Beirut Marina Landscaping


Landscape ArchitectChris Blandford Associates (UK)
Area19,100 sq m
FloraAllamanda cathartica, terminalia cattapa, Carissa grandiflora, Carissamacrocarpa, Chamarops, Delonix regia, Ficus pumila, Liriope muscari, Nandina, Pennisetum rubra, Pittosporum tobira
Public ArtNone

The 10 m-wide boardwalk surrounding Beirut Marina together with the quay to the east side form an important public pedestrian passage. The landscaping of the boardwalk and quays, in addition to the breakwater parking area, constitutes

an elegant setting for a joyful experience to the public, providing a nice walk on the boardwalk near the boats, to the yacht club, passing all the restaurants and cafés of Zaitunay Bay.